A little about YES and the Foundation.

Click here to view our prospectus

I have the dream of Australia being the world leader in supporting young entrepreneurs, and I
believe that YES and the Foundation could be an instrumental part of this ambitious goal.
Australia has never had more opportunities that it has today. While there are
significant challenges, YES is one initiative that has the aim of allowing
young people aged under 18 to see entrepreneurship as a viable career, and for
these young entrepreneurs to be supported.

The difference with YES compared to any other event is that it can easily
create businesses in less than a day. At our first event, there were three
viable business ideas that came out of an event that lasted just four hours. This is
something that is unique to YES. Young people can be motivated, inspired,
educated and empowered to start their own business, and will actually be ready
to start at the conclusion of the seminar, in addition to supporting young
entrepreneurs who may already have an idea or a business.
And, yes: you can grow a business in 4 hours. 

So, if you are asking yourself 'Why haven't I done something?',
why not start your business in one of the world's most innovative formats, at
the world's quickest startup event?

YES, the Foundation's core initiative, is all about unleashing the unlimited
potential of you, because young people are the world’s future.